Dr. Mautra Staley Jones


Her list of accolades is a mile long, but what makes Mautra special isn’t the awards. It’s that at every stage, she chooses to grow her impact, never settle and never get complacent. She shares her story on this episode of The Wildly Capable Woman podcast. Here’s how she describes her typical day:

My typical day consists of rallying three little troops bright and early to get them prepared for their day of learning at school. Each day in the office, on campus is different because there are donors to visit with; operational issues to manage; deadlines to meet; projects to consult on; board meetings to attend, etc. My favorite part of the day is picking my children up from school because they greet me as if I've been gone for years with such excitement and enthusiasm. We manage homework, extra curricular activities, then I typically tackle more work. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for the fullness of my life and the ability to serve in so many capacities.

Learn more about Mautra by listening to this episode of The Wildly Capable Woman or picking up a copy of Hundred Magazine.


Marissa Stinson


Shannon Conner