Kelsie Downs

Kelsie says her biggest obstacle in life so far has been going through a divorce while pregnant and owning a business, all during a pandemic. But it’s changed her for the better and shown her just how resilient she can be.


What makes you feel proud?

I feel proud of who I have grown into! I am proud of the mom and business owner I am. I care for people well and when I don’t, I try to be quick to own it. I’m proud to say I’ve run my own business for six years and now have a team of amazing women. I am so proud of the women I get to work with.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

I have chosen to live under the authority of God’s Word and it has brought so much peace, freedom and structure to my life. It wasn’t always this way and there were many years in chaos because of it. I rely heavily on the Bible and my group of friends to influence who I am as a business owner, friend and a mom.

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

Addiction hits close to home. I’d love to see more people go through diversion programs and see freedom and life outside of just a prison sentence. It’s amazing to see someone go from bondage of addiction to holding a job, owning a business and fully taking care of themselves and their families again!

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I hope I believe in myself more, love myself more and I hope my daughter never hears negative self-talk from my lips! I hope I love people deeper and run my business more authentically. I hope to lift people up and push people to become greater by helping them see who they really are.

“I care for people well and when I don’t, I try to be quick to own it.”

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

To remain! To stay present and abide, this is just one moment in time. What’s the next best thing to do?


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