Trenesha Simpkins


Trenesha Simpkins uses everything she’s been given to empower other people to show up as their best selves. A real estate agent and so much more, she shares her story on this episode of The Wildly Capable Woman podcast. Here’s how she describes her typical day:

My typical day is always changing and is never the same. I try to dedicate Monday, Thursday, and Friday mornings to my office days. But some days I’m in there longer than that, and other days I’m out of the office all week. First thing I do in the morning is create and or post my social content. I work on my phone and in my car most days. If you spend the day with me you will constantly see me on the phone with clients, potential clients, real estate partners, and my team. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are days that I really try hard not to schedule a lot of heavy work, that way I can try to show some attention to my husband call and our kids. I can’t always get that to work for me, but I do try. The thing that I love most about what I do is that every day isn’t the same. I’ve had jobs in the past where I knew it so expect every single day and it really took a toll on me mentally. I’m a bird and I have to fly and being able to have more control of my schedule and meet new and amazing people is what I really thrive on.

Learn more about Trenesha by listening to this episode of The Wildly Capable Woman or picking up a copy of Hundred Magazine.


Tracy Zserdin


Valerie Riley